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Silveroak Films & Entertainment

About Us

Joining hands, to turn ideas into reality

Mr. Manoj Ravsaheb Kadam
Manoj Ravsaheb Kadam, Chairman of S V Group of Industries, is the first National Entrepreneurship Award winner from Govt. of India. A Post-Graduate in Chemical Engineering, a University ranker, MIE, Chartered Engineer, MBA, he has a vast experience in the field of Process design, Production, Project Management and Engineering, and also in the Pharmaceutical & chemical industries, both in India and various MNCs. A keen lover of Cinema, he has trained himself in Film Production from FTII Pune adding to his professional deftness in pursuing his passion.
Prof. Surajit Dhar
(Group Advisor)
A Graduate of FTII 1988 batch, and Head of Film Production in FTII Pune, Surajit Dhar has served as VP (Creative) at Innovative Solutions & in Netguru Inc at USA. Sri Dhar had been a Producer with Jain Satellite Television, New Delhi, Sr. Editor, Plus Channel Mumbai, Director –BMMI, Pritish Nandy Comm. Director- Editor, ZEE TV Mumbai. He is also a member of EIMPA and has directed three Bengali Feature films, Pa Ma Ga Re Sa, Megh Roddur and Britto apart from various documentaries, Tele-soaps and advertisement films. A strong motivator, passionate about films, his wholehearted devotion to this art is exemplary
Mrs. Ashwini Kadam
She has created waves in the film production industry by bringing award-winning campaigns to life. At Silveroak Films & Entertainment, she uses her creative & optimization skills to put together incredible ideas to redefine genres.
Mr. Abhijit More
A well-qualified engineer, Abhijit More is an expert in Administration, Accounting & commercial activities of this group and a support to the vision of the Mentor.
Mr. Satyam Shrirao
A Postgraduate engineer, Satyam Shrirao is actively associated with Production related activities, co-ordination and a support to the smooth flow of activities.